Biggie Gives Marvis A Secret Task To Accomplish

Big Brother Gives Marvis A Secret Task To Accomplish

Marvis has been given a difficult secret Task to do by Big Brother.

If there is one thing that you can guarantee it is that Biggie always has something up his sleeve. Marvis was called into her Diary room session and was given a difficult secret Task by Biggie. To be fair, Biggie gave her until tomorrow morning’s fitness session to decide whether or not she was going to do what Biggie asked her to do.

Earlier, Biggie had set the Housemates a Task whereby Biggie had removed certain items in the House and placed them in the garden. The Task was for them to return the items into their correct places in the House. The catch was that there was a sign that said “Do not touch.” Biggie advised Marvis to ignore the sign and read the instructions and to pick up the card and read whatever was written on the other side of the card. Naturally, being Biggie, there was a twist, and this twist could cost Marvis big.

If she was to read the card, she would not be eligible for any form of immunity for 2 weeks, even if she won the Head of House Task. If she didn’t read it, she would be eligible for immunity as per normal. There was a catch, though, if Marvis was to read the card, it would help her fellow Housemates in the upcoming Task and they would be eligible for a big reward. If she didn’t, the Housemates could suffer a big loss. With the Housemates waging 100% on their Task, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Marvis was supposed to read the card to the Housemates but did not follow Biggie’s instructions as she read the card and kept it to herself. So, he told her that she had failed the Task and that she had to keep what she had read secret for the rest of the game. Biggie also informed her that he had removed the reward from the Task.

How will this affect Marvis? Will she rally and come back stronger or will this affect her game negatively? She has been told be Biggie to keep her failure and what she knows from the card a secret; but she already failed to listen to Biggie. Will she learn from this? Only time will tell.

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