Isilomo Braimoh

Lagos resident, Isilomo Braimoh is single and ready to mingle.
An HR manager at 27, Isilomo has an MA in Human Resource Management with professional certification.
She winds down from her hectic job by engaging in sports, outdoor activities, food, music and travel.
A lover of all things music, her favourite songs are currently ‘Middle Child’ by J.Cole and ‘Daz How Star Do’ by Skiibii Dazz.
What irritates you most in other people: I hate it when in an argument or debate, a person stops putting out their opinion in a clear and concise manner. I also dislike it when people are sluggish about things. Thirdly, I don’t like people who don’t take responsibility and hold themselves accountable for their actions.
What will you do with the prize money: I will invest in myself as a brand, invest in any kind of Capital Market Instrument, kick start my media career (by going for training) and go on a long ass holiday with my sisters.
Why will you be a fan favourite: I think I call it like it is, and I think I have a realness that Nigerians would see and appreciate. I’m also quite funny in a not so obvious way – my friends and family think I’m insanely hilarious. I’m interested to see if the audience will feel the same.