Uriel Says Efe Is Her Favourite BBNaija Housemate And Wants Him To Win The Money

Uriel was the fifth housemate to be evicted from Big Brother Naija 2017 and she recently had an interview at Pulse Nigeria.
During an interesting chat with the former housemate, she spoke about Efe being her favourite housemate and who she is rooting for to win the show.
On favourite housemate, she said, “I would say Efe. Efe cracked me up. You know, sometimes Efe is talking to me and in my head I’m just laughing. I’m like ‘this guy.’
On why she likes the housemate, Uriel said,“Efe is so real. Sometimes I will just be cooking and Efe doesn’t know what it is, or sometimes when I’m speaking, he will be like ‘hey Uriel, I no understand wetin you just say. Abeg, wetin you just talk now. This your English eh.”
“And I will just crack up. I will be like ‘okay, this is what I just said.’
“He wasn’t afraid to say ‘I don’t know what this is.’ He wasn’t afraid to take correction, he wasn’t afraid to ask. For me, that is real, and that just spoke enough for him.
“He is down to earth and he is just my G. based on logistics as Efe will say, Efe go win,” she continued.
“You know what I like about him? You can see the drive. I’m not rooting for Efe to win, he is gonna win. That’s what I’m saying.”
Uriel was evicted on Sunday, March 5, 2017. She was the fifth housemate to officially get evicted from the Big Brother Naija show.
Watch Uriel’s latest Interview below:
Since when did efe become uriel's G! Dis gal don add lie join gossip o! U r out of d house now and v seen d votin history and ratings, stop d eye service, whr u put bassey? If I hear say efe na ur G, no b only G.. mtscheww. Day 78 wld determine d winner, not ur opinion, park well
Yes I KO kor
They are actually close, Efe and Uriel….She has feelings for Bassey but is friends with Efe..But I think Efe fans are just too RUDE…the things they say abt Marvis…I mean have they thought for once that Marvis is running away from having sex infront of cameras? Even if that is not the case, why should she sleep with Efe to gain votes? I have always been for Efe, Bisola, marvis and Bassey to be at the final…but Efe fans…the only word to describe them is DISGUSTING! They are 100% killing the BOYS game!
I just feel we should be mature with our choice of words.every individual should be allowed to choose his or her favourite housemate without we bad mouthing the housemates. Let us just focus on voting our favourite home mates then wasting our write up on fighting each other. We can never have same opinion. Vote your choice.
Then the fans go fo the worst move…support Bally….remember he voted Efe fo eviction a few weeks back…he is not stupid. ?.he will neva want to b with him in the final because he wants to win….come mondaydhe will nominate him….then his fans efes…r turning against every opponent….what if only the 40% tht voted fo him remains and the rest 60% votes for someone else to prove a point to his fans??? They must try something else really…otherwise they r killing this humble boys game!!
I tell u! I neva had anytin against efe until I saw d way his fans criticize other hms, esp tboss! Not just criticize, some even go to curse extremes, it just became a turn off for me, I def wnt want to b associated wit such a lousy team, and befor long I started pickin unecesary faults wit efe in my head and right now, I wld rather bisola or even tboss win, just to shut dos agbero fans of efe up! So anoyin! I give dem 1hr to flood here now tellin me how much of a king deir efe is to dem. Na d work wey dem dey do. Jobless assholes
You get sense! Is it the fans or Efe you are watching on TV. Efez fanz is so annnoying abi. Every house mate onee way or the oda have rude fans but Efe fans are louder Dan the bcus e has more fans. Out of 100% volt Efe usually have up to 50% and d remaining house mate will share 50. U pple are shouting tboss. Common debby rise get fans pass and una sayy she go win. Base on logistic eh, u are the real jobless asshole. Cow. #team Efe! WE MAKE THE LOUDEST NOISE AND PRODUCE THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOLT WITH OUR VOICE. Not like tboss family dat are begging pple to volt with 1k rfecharge card.
Yes but lets no forget its Efe that is in the house not those fans. he doesn't even know them. so just vote for your best HM.
Actions are the ones that must be counted for the Winner, Bisola, TTT, Bassey and Bally. There comes the small boy EFE, Peoples favourite in the house but remember, There was Munya from Zimbambwe in BBA just the same as Efe but based on logistics he didnt made it to Win,but finalist anyway, the game is Hot,but put TTT, Bisola, Bassey and Bally in the race and Watch out..
From: Namibia
You are on point you know the game. Technically I respect you full time you are game alreadyefe fans and Marvis . will be surprise the end result the above namibia
I dont agree with you when you meniton bally…bally is the worst giving housemate ..just a teddybare with a big body and voice, always last when it comes to tasks….we only know that he is a statistician and a producer but we have seen nothing..Its just that fans can be biased.. Look at the song , that song would have been nothing without the guitar and the drums and MARVIS rocked that DRUM to HELL..but all fans are keeping mum becuase they want to potray her as this bad person wheras they want her to act morally by having sex with Efe..what is that ? Hay marn fans can be such sheet! Ngamagqwirha, I swear! Efe is one of the best people I have ever come across together with Bisola and Bassey! Why are u leaving out Efe? Put together TTT, Bisola and Efe…and see who is out as Bally is receiving votes for doing nothing apparently…just for saying Efe is his friend! Watch what will happen as I am sure that Bally will nominate either Bisola, TTT or Efe..Marvis will never nominate Efe, I swear!
Yes Mavis nominate efe collect even bisola will nominate ttt. But no hate just the. Game one must win.
they want Marvis to act immorally !
Before is Jarvis not in morally girl? What is the difference in giving head or oral sex? She does it with kemen and efe she is not decent and efe is taking advantage of her drukeness
EFE all the way
EFE is a real cool guy, doing his thing….allow him shine jor. You know pple just insult house mates claiming they 're EFE'S FANS! Just to discredit him & possibly course unnecessary hate for him…its the game.
EFE is a real cool guy, doing his thing….allow him shine jor. You know pple just insult house mates claiming they 're EFE'S FANS! Just to discredit him & possibly course unnecessary hate for him…its the game.
You don't have to listen to what ever the fans of any housemate are saying. All you do is just vote for your favorite and don't say because of housemate fans that is why you don't want to vote for he/she. Just stay by your favorite housemate. This is not BBA its BBNAIJA so don't compare what happen then with now cuz its really different and if you want to know you can ask.
hey this person who says Marvis Nominated Efe is a Farkin witch! you r evil and have no life because Marvis never ever nominated EFE Gqwirhakazindini=WITCH? What do you think u r doing or do you watch yo own DSTV when conducting witchdraft??? Stupid fool! dont come here and fabricate stories because MArvis will never nominate Efe..ur such a hater! I guess u r one of people spreading rumuors abt marvis…That camera man caught Marvis and Bisola in the mddle of their talk..she was not ready for sex and Efe thought the fake marriage qualified him to have sex with her since he was now husband….dont come here and hat NXa!
marvis never gave Kerman and blow job…they were dancing and like they paly dirty when dancing she pretended to b giving him a blow job and everybody was watching? Which DsTV do you watch you devils??? Why are u hating this much on Marvis? Well u will be suprised because it seems God is with her, she is still there while u want her outside for no apparent reason…she might b lazy but at list she takes participation in games seriously plus she is one of the people we look foward to when it is Friday..My winner is Efe or so I wish but this thing of creating stories about a person is so uncalled for! Why was blow job thing not published since admin publishes every scandal? Go to hell or chew stones marn! OR is it the thing of he NIGERIANS to be this JEALOUS??? No marn you will burn in hell if u r like this? U need to change!!!
saturday party not Friday!
oral sex was practised by our fore fathers to prevent having children out of wedlock plus for the respect of the lady..its not a new thing plus Efe and Marvis were covering themselves..when she does not give him attention you viewers complain, when she gives him attention u still compalin..what do u want exactly from her apart from the fact that u finding every story to discredit her..That is Biggies house, its not yours and Biggie saw it rite for her to be part of the housemates! This blowjob thing with kerman is a well-created story being spread to discredit marvis. marvis and kerman were friends before entering the house and South africa is far from home, they just respect and care for each other as friends and it ends there!
This thing of being stuck in the office and not watching BBNaija is wahala for me ooo…am just following the comments. And voting for my fav.HM
It is nice watching bbn efe on point guys anti efe are d one using wrong words on d has,to make it look like efe fans so dat haters will com in.
I we say bisola fans are afraid of d unknow.and basses saying efe is afraid of competition u are wrong man.
Guys com on dis guy u are talking about did u think he is concerned about six in d house for now I don't think so.if he really need it he will b clipping on marvis always.so stop all dis and watch bbn and learn alot
I we say bisola fans are afraid of d unknow.and basses saying efe is afraid of competition u are wrong man.
I we say bisola fans are afraid of d unknow.and basses saying efe is afraid of competition u are wrong man.
It is nice watching bbn efe on point guys anti efe are d one using wrong words on d has,to make it look like efe fans so dat haters will com in.