BBNaija 2018 Day 46 Live Feed Blog
11:24pm – Today’s diary sessions come to an end with Lolu..
10:37pm – Today’s diary sessions kick off with Head of House Nina acting as Big Brother
9:56pm – The housemates exit the arena and get back inside the house
9:54pm – Biggie has told Head of House Nina to hold today’s Diary Sessions in the lounge. Nina is going to act as Big Brother & is going to call one Housemate at a time, Biggie has also made it clear that Tobi must not take part in the sessions…. This must be fun to Watch..
9:53pm – Big Brother informs the housemates that he’ll give his judgement on their wager once they’ve completed all the tasks they have this week.
9:50pm – The Housemates’ Task Presentation has come to an end.
9:11pm – The Housemates’ Task Presentation for Week 7 kicks off with Head of House Nina making an introduction.
7:10pm – Housemates are making final preparations ahead of their Task Presentation tonight
6:30pm – The housemates are in their beds sleeping
2:55pm – The housemates are busy working on their Wager Task.
2:43pm – Head of House Nina is reading out the latest task brief from Big Brother to the housemates who are all gathered in the lounge. The brief is a Wager Task brief in Biggie wants the housemates to put together an ‘In the jungle’ themed musical with a min length of 30 mins using the props already provided.
2:12pm – The housemates are having their lunch meal
2:05pm – Housemates take a break from their Sumo tournament to have lunch
2:00pm – Another Easy win for Alex as she overcomes Bambam
1:55pm – Up next in the Sumo ring is Alex Vs Bambam, lets watch and see who wins the fight.
1:43pm – Bambam and Alex have wasted no time in knocking down Lolu during their Sumo Tournament fight…
1:39pm -Up next in the ring is Alex and Bambam fighting the mighty Lolu, lets see who wins the fight…
1:33pm – Guess what guys… Alex has KNOCKED DOWN Cee-C in just 3 seconds… The fight is now over.. 😜😜😜😜😜
1:15pm – Up next in the Sumo ring is Bambam and Nina.. lets see who wins the fight..
1:15pm – Alex beats and wins Rico Swavey during their Sumo Tournament fight.
1:11pm – Rico Swavey and Alex are battling it out in the sumo tournament
12:46pm – The housemates’ sumo tournament is already underway
12:37pm – The housemates are getting ready for their sumo tournament in the garden
12:28pm – The ninja hands Head of House Nina a task brief, in the brief Biggie informs the housemates that he has set up a sumo tournament for them which is right outside the house in the garden
12:25pm – Big Brother sends a ninja into the house
11:13am – Housemates get back inside the house
11:00am – Lolu is resting in the garden
10:56am – Cee-C, Bambam, Anto and Rico are seated in the garden having a conversation
10:30am – Alex, Nina and Miracle are having a conversation
10:20am – Lovely couple Miracle and Nina are having their breakfast together
9:49am – Housemates are in the kitchen preparing breakfast
9:43am – Bambam is at the kitchen sink washing dishes
9:36am – Head of House Nina and her bae Miracle are in the luxury bedroom having a conversation
9:24am – Lolu, Rico Swavey, Teddy A and Alex are having a conversation in the closet room
9:15am – Anto is the kitchen making breakfast
8:56am – Some housemates are now having baths and cleaning themselves up following this morning’s workout.
8:44am – Lolu and Alex seated on the former’s bed briefly working on their Nokia Mobile On Android task
8:42am- The housemates’ morning workout session is now done, they’ve left the arena and are back inside the house
8:00am – The housemates are in the arena taking part in their routine morning workout
7:20am – Housemates have began waking up
Good morning to you all and welcome to day 46 of Big Brother Nigeria 2018, follow today’s Live Feed Blog for all the latest updates. You can as well check out yesterday’s highlights Here.
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