Bisola And Debie-Rise Almost Came To Blows

Bisola And Debie-Rise Fight

So yesterday in the Big Brother Naija house there was a war of words between Bisola and Debie-Rise after the latter changed some rules of the gaming tournament the housemates were taking part in.

Bisola made it clear that she doesn’t care if people think she’s aggressive as she’s going to speak her mind.

Well Biggie had told the housemates that their task was to create a gaming tournament and they were busy with it all day. The games started, and Debie-Rise pushed for a change in the rules, which Bisola immediately opposed.

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Debie-Rise, the calm, meek and introverted housemate went ballistic and trust that, we didn’t see it coming. This is the second time both housemates are getting in an altercation. They spared no words the first time and it wasn’t different this time as well.

Debie-Rise walked past Bisola and told her to “keep shut“! Of course, Bisola would not take that bullshit so she retorted and rounded up by telling Debie-Rise to “close her fucking ears and be bloody deaf“…

Debie-Rise then called Bisola mad before TBoss intervened and took her BFF aside as she tried to calm her down.

So who do you think was wrong?? Share with us your opinion by dropping a comment in one of our comment boxes below.

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7 Responses

  1. Ugigi says:

    Babes, whatever it is will all come to an end next Sunday. So chill!
    Bally and Efe, you guys can't control these women? What is wrong with the two of you?
    Maybe Big brother should bring Kemen and Bassey back to the house so as to tame these girls with their muscles. Just saying!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Problem with Debbie rise wanted to show her friend that she can talk for herself since after that low self esteem issue, even in that argument you could see that's not real Debbie rise. That was a show off , personality wise is not an argumentative person.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Debbie is soooo at fault. She threw the first insult by telling Bisola to keep short.And Bisola replied by saying she should rather close her ears then, she said she doesn't even know why she's talking with a "mad" person. Mehhhhhnnn, dat's so wrong. Just proves Marvis' statement right, and also it could be as a result of bottled-up grudges she's had for Bisola. So as soon as opportunity unveil itself, she just let go…..Simply put, Debbie is so FAKE! She's got that part of her in quantum, she's been hiding it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bisola is so full of evil,and she thinks she is no it all,
    Not to worry the money belong to EFE..she can keep fooling her ugly self

  5. Jolignton says:

    @Anonymous…u never like Debbie raise and Tboss right from on set…so keep quiet…Bisola lack leadership skills and I believe Tboss wen she said Efe lack exposure..It a game and everybody deserve to win and everyone is a winner already…not dat the poorest must u guys tink before u talk here.

  6. Knox Dame says:

    Ever since marvis told debbie about her low esteem, debbie has been trying to speak a lot and that's not debbie we knew….she probably thinks low self esteem is all about talking and be heard..she got it all wrong.

  7. Margaret Ogbodo says:

    my dear fellow Fans of bbn, the truth is that we can do more than them. so there always individual differences between people in life.
    judge yourself before judging others.
    enjoy your evening.

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