Day 35: Big Brother Naija 2020 Week 5 voting results

Big Brother Naija 2020 week 5 voting results - Nominated Housemates

The Big Brother Naija 2020 week 5 official voting results have been released.

This week the housemates who received the highest percentages of votes from the voting public are Erica, Laycon, Nengi, Ozo, Dorathy, Neo, Lucy.

Meanwhile the housemates who received the least percentages of votes are;

– Brighto : 3.86%
– Prince : 3.84%
– Trikytee : 3.68%
– Wathoni : 3.25%
– Vee : 2.79%
– Praise : 1.65%

READ: Praise Nelson evicted from Big Brother Naija 2020

See the graph below that summarizes the above voting results.

Big Brother Naija 2020 week 5 voting results percentages

So this week the results of the public voting automatically nominated Trikytee, Wathoni, Vee and Praise as the four housemates with the least percentages of votes.

And below is how each of the 11 housemates voted during this week’s Diary Eviction Vote Session;

– Tolanibaj voted to evict Praise and Vee

– Ozo voted to evict Praise and Trikytee

– Lucy voted to evict Trikytee and Wathoni

– Erica voted to evict Vee and Wathoni

– Prince voted to evict Wathoni and Vee

– Laycon voted to evict Trikytee and Wathoni

– Dorathy voted to evict Trikytee and Vee

– Neo voted to evict Praise and Wathoni

– Nengi voted to evict Praise and Wathoni

– Brighto voted to evict TrikyTee and Praise

– Kiddwaya voted to evict Praise and Vee

Below is a summary of the total number of eviction votes received by each of the four nominated housemates.

– Praise : 6 votes
– Wathoni : 6 votes
– Trikytee : 5 votes
Vee : 5 votes

Tonight’s eviction votes resulted in a tie between Wathoni and Praise, and as Head of House, Big Brother informed Kiddwaya that he had a special privilege for an additional vote. Big Brother then gave Kiddwaya just 15 seconds to choose who should be evicted between Wathoni and Praise, the Head of House boldly chose to evict Praise.

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10 Responses

  1. Bright says:

    I love you vee Nani me ri

  2. Bright says:

    I love you vee

  3. Bright says:


  4. Ijongo Darius says:

    Honestly am so surprise to see how the house mate cast their vote and how Kidwaya deliberately send praise out of the house. The week was one of the best performing week for Praise, yet he was evicted. Honestly it was a surprised eviction to me in this year bbn house. I would have love to see Praise still in BBN house.

  5. Bright says:

    Vee and neo you’re loved, bright diamond love you both

  6. Bright says:


  7. Helmi says:

    Brighto for 85mlln

  8. Obinna says:

    I love you neo

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