BBNaija 2017 Week 10 Nominations: Here’s How The Housemates Nominated Each Other

Big Brother Naija 2017 Week 10 Nominations Results

Week 10 Nominations which are actually the very last ones of Big Brother Naija 2017 have taken place and here’s how each housemate nominated.

Being the last week of nominations, Biggie decided to bring back the usual nominations following last week’s twist when he granted Ultimate Head of House Efe power to directly nominate four of his fellow Housemates.

Biggie also granted permission to the housemates to conspire since this’s the last week of nominations, and obviously they didn’t waste time as Bisola, Efe, Marvis and Bally teamed up against TBoss and Debie-Rise.

Below is a summary of Week 10 Nominations:

– Marvis was the first up and nominated Debie-Rise and TBoss.

– Bally was next and he nominated TBoss and Debie-Rise.

– Debie-Rise nominated Marvis and Efe just like most of were expecting.

– Efe nominated Debie-Rise and TBoss.

– TBoss nominated Efe and Marvis.

– Bisola nominated TBoss and Debie-Rise.

And as a result of the sessions, Debie-Rise, Efe, Marvis and TBoss received the highest number of nominations.

Biggie then adjusted Igwe Bisola’s power by granting her the right to Save one Housemate, she replaced Bally with Efe.

What do you think of her move? Feelings over strategy?

Please share with us your thoughts by leaving a comment in one of our comment boxes below..

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34 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well done Bisola dat's how u pay back a good deed. Unlike some ingrates…*4 saving Efe *

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hmmmm!Not gonna undermine the players…..Efe is now safe, bisola and efe's team to save marvis and bally. Well,it's survival of the fittest…maybe the winner will take it all this time….Goodluck to all HM's.

  3. Binainu Shaibu says:

    Let save Marcus and Bally

  4. Tizzy says:

    Ok lemme drop sum few hints for us to ponder on.
    (1) I think tboss may be leaving dis sunday base on the following reasons:
    a) all her votes thus far cums 4rm only one channel; her fans, but at dis stage of d game HMs need more than just their fan zone, she doesn't have any fresh evicted HM fans rooting for her because she was neva a sting on anybody.
    (b) debie rise will sure get votes 4rm both her fans and dat of bassey's which will b enough to keep her safe.
    (c) marvis and bally will collectively get from their own fans and dat of efe and bisola.
    (2) Wednesday will b another twist because marvis will actually get saved by bisola nd efe's vote but if tboss and debie rise are smart enough they will look 4 a way to get bally voting 4 one of dem so as to get a tie for marvis 2 remain norminated.
    But here comes d twist on d grand finale: should tboss be evicted, u guys will just have 2 watch out 4 debie rise as she may either become the 1st runner up or ultimate winner.. this is predicated on d fact dat efe and bisola will share some votes while debie rise will end up getin support 4rm both bassey and tboss.
    So all the teamefe and teambisola something big is coming your way soon, don't get surprised if this analysis plays out in 2 weeks time. Thus be strategic for on behalf of your favourite HM by note voting carelessly!!!


  5. Anonymous says:

    Its MARVIS people when you are voting especially by sms …I now am sure that Bisola, marvis and Efe have what one would call a true frienship!! I am just tired of being manipulated…people playing victims whereas they are also victimising..mnxm!!!

  6. DDTO says:

    I like your analysis Tizzy but I do think people are more loyal to Efe than any other body..but that theory remains to be tested!! I could not see what transpired tonite comming! ANything is possible….I think people just want Efe to be with the people he likes but that Debbbie Rise, I am telling you….can be a suprise..Its all Biggies desperate games because somewhere he deccided to evict one person instead of two…anyway, he makes the rules…..LoL..this is fun nhe??? I am soo wondering why people take it soo personally!!!

  7. Aminu Rex says:

    Let see how it goes,cos I don't believe in talking too much, action speak louder than voice.

  8. Anonymous says:

    vote for Marvis TeamEfe! She needs to be with Efe! Vote guyz! pls support her!!!

  9. Roseline Bolanle says:

    #teamdebierise #bbnaija

  10. Roseline Bolanle says:

    #teamdebierise #bbnaija

  11. Roseline Bolanle says:


  12. DDTO says:

    I vote and STAND by MARVIS!!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Pls all these fan of Marv is should vote for her and let TeamEfe be n rest till d finale… Marvis only come close to Efe when she's nominated… I'd rather vote Bally

  14. DDTO says:

    i dont care what anybody thinks abt MArvis.. I am an Efe fan and will continue to vote for MARVIS left and right! Nobody will tell me what to do with my vote and my money for that matter! I believe MArvis is a less threat to Efe compared to all the housemates she is nominated with! When u campaign , pls dont insult the other housemates to make your prefered housemate look better, just campaign and vote without insulting!! What if said BAlly joined the clique only when he saw that they are winning because as far as I can remember, Marvis, Bisola, Efe and TTT were close since day 1! We must be mindful , pls

  15. Anonymous says:

    voting for MArvis to stay in the house till the final…

  16. Anonymous says:

    MArvis must remain in Biggies house

  17. harry Motsamai says:

    I agree with u DDTO

  18. Anonymous says:

    remain to do what?#

  19. Anonymous says:

    pls vote debi rice and team tbose any other vote doesnt count

  20. Anonymous says:

    Thats none of your concern whether she shits or KAK she must just remain there and so shall it BE!

  21. Anonymous says:

    hahahahaIve never laughed like this. Whilst they keep hating were pumping them votes for MARVIS like crazy

  22. Anonymous says:

    Are you all jobless or what? Why this noise?

  23. Tekolove says:

    People it's Marvis o let's save Marvis

  24. Mayorgold says:

    Love to save marvis.##teambisolabbnaija2017

  25. Anonymous says:

    Mavis should home and continue her weed and eating of her lips

  26. nikky says:

    Marvis and bally..there u go..lolu pls vote for them

  27. Ihenetu says:

    I vote Debbie Rise to stay till final

  28. Ihenetu says:

    Marvis n bally r pieces of furniture in bbn house,so I vote debbie to stay cus she's entertaining joooooooooooor

  29. Ihenetu says:

    debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise Debbie Rise all d way

  30. Enobong Alexander says:

    Vote Debie Rise

  31. Roseline Bolanle says:

    vote Debie-rise

  32. Rancheke Rancheke says:

    Vote Marvis to stay

  33. Samuel Ononwiya says:

    vote marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis marvis all the way DJ S.O.B SAY SO

  34. Oluwaseun says:


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