Day 15: Khloe Wins Week 3 Head of House Title

Khloe Wins Big Brother Naija 2018 Week 3 Head of House Title

The unexpected has happened today with Khloe winning week 3’s Head of House title.

Following last night’s qualifier challenge, today in the afternoon Big Brother ordered all the housemates to move to the arena so that Bambam, Khloe and Ifu Ennada would battle it out in the final stage of this week’s head of house challenge.

The challenge was quite simple and only required the participants to through rugby balls through holes on a canvas.

The holes on the canvas had numbers written next to them and a housemate would score the number next to the hole in which they’ve thrown the rugby ball through.

The challenge had two rounds with the two participants having the highest scores after round one progressing to the final round.

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Big Brother had one last task for out going head of house Tobi, he made Tobi the umpire who was in charge of keeping records of the challenge, Tobi also had to make sure that the participants stand on the line while throwing the rugby balls.

The challenge kicked off with Bambam through all her balls and not scoring a single point, Ifu Ennada was next and she scored 6 points, drama queen Khloe threw last and scored 3 points.

And according to round one’s results, Bambam didn’t qualify for the final round. Khloe and Ifu Ennada battled it out with the former winning after scoring 5 points while Ifu Ennada didn’t score a single point.

Therefore this mean’t that Khloe is the head of house for week 3, she then selected K. Brule to share with the luxury bedroom throughout this week.

Congratulations Khloe..

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