Day 26: Miracle Wins Week 4 Friday Night PayPorte Arena Challenge

This week’s head of house Captian Miracle has also won this week’s Friday night PayPorte arena challenge.
Tonight’s challenge had 3 sub-challenges and the housemate who completed his or her challenge in less time was to be the winner.
Big Brother’s morning fitness routines although gruesome at times were to be of great benefit to the housemates in tonight’s challenge.
READ: Housemates Nominate Their Favourite Pairs, Check Out The Results
Below is a summary of how the housemates have performed in tonight’s challenge;
1. Angel – 00:59
2. Ifu Ennada – 01:15
3. Rico Swavey – 00:50
4. Cee-C – 01:00
Cee-C stepped out of the line during the wheel barrow challenge after which Big Brother instructed on of his ninjas to run the course just so the housemates could see how it is supposed to be done
5. Miracle – 00:36
6. Ahneeka – 00:46
7. Teddy A – 00:43
8. Anto – 01:07
9. Lolu – 00:48
10. Bambam – 01:02
11. Leo – 00:57
12. Nina – 01:07
13. Tobi – 00:54
14. Alex – 01:48
And because Miracle completed the challenge in just 36 seconds, which is obviously less than any of the other housemates, Big Brother announced him as the winner of week 4 Friday night PayPorte arena challenge.
Biggie has also promised to give Miracle a reward for tonight’s victory tomorrow..
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