
Tacha Big Brother Naija 2019 Housemate

Natacha Ibinabo Akide also known as Tacha has always wanted to be on Big Brother Naija. It comes as no surprise then, that getting picked to be a Housemate this season, is the highlight of her life.

This spunky 23-year-old Rivers State native lives her life like her favourite musician Cardi B does; “Do no harm but take no mess”.

Talented at making strategic money moves, Tacha would pick her phone over sleep, any day.

Although losing her mom weighs heavily on her, the experience has taught Tacha she is as strong as an eagle, one of her favourite animals.

What irritates you most about other people: I hate gossip mongers with a passion.

What will you do with the prize money: Invest in new business ideas, increase my family’s standard of living and start a charity foundation.

Why will you be a fan favourite: Because I’m SYMPLYTACHA. I’m spontaneous, loud, interesting, lively and fun.

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12 Responses

  1. David Ike says:

    There’s no doubt that Tacha is the most beautiful lady of Big Brother Naija 2019, I just love your juicy booty and will definately be voting for you.

  2. awunde terese risky says:

    avala murder tacha fah

  3. Shamzy says:

    Tacha is my favorite as far as Bbnaija is concern… Ya loved bby❤️

  4. Daniel aka jets says:

    Wow tacha is the best sexiest women Eva 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏🇿🇲🇿🇲

  5. Chigozie Eze says:

    why is eveyone sad ?

  6. Rose says:

    Go home tacha ..you’re not active

  7. Suleiman says:

    Tacha u are too proud of ur self ooo

  8. tweety pheladi says:

    team tacha aal the wayyyyyy

  9. Bongdzeem says:

    For now I don’t have a fav in d huz but I c only Tacha as d pepper bcz as she was fake evicted….pipo felt at ease

  10. zee says:

    Tacha d silent killer……go gal

  11. loise says:

    Tacha, my kid of girl and presonality

  12. Favour says:

    I love you tacha team tacha all the way

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