Day 36: ThinTallTony Wins Week 6 Head of House Crown And Immunity From Eviction
ThinTallTony will now lead his fellow housemates throughout this entire week and in addition to his victory in the task, he has also won immunity from possible eviction this week.
Congratulations ThinTallTony…
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He is such a brilliant guy
I dont like him but yes i agree. he is and i think EFE was just using him before and am glad he has noticed that.
Such a wonderful guy and full of talent
3T is such a smart guy and very intelligent, he understand the game than every other house mates in the house, he doent put trust and friendship to the game, all he is doings, is focusing on the money
As for Tboss biggie ask them to bust the balloon with their ass, and get the HOH ticket, Tbos was busy shouting hush, hush, , she is not ready to win that money oooo, she has to be dugged and rugged , fast and be brave to conquer all odds before she can win , not hush hush thing. Am still her Team supporter
Tripple T deserves this money, but shouldnt sideline Bisola when he gets it cos she is contributing to his success. Behind every successful man there is a woman!