Uriel Has Been Evicted From Big Brother Naija 2017

Uriel Oputa

Week 6 Evictions: Uriel has been evicted from the Big Brother Naija 2017 house.

The beauty received the least number of votes among all the seven housemates that were up for possible eviction in week 6.

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10 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Differentials Planet says:

    Eyah… I love this chic…she's been totally natural.

  3. Samuel Ebonugwo says:

    I no de watch again, partiality has enterd d game. Rubish, how can they evict d most natural girl in d house,how is marvis better than uriel. Nooooo way i no de watch or vote again.

    • Perfect Gentleman says:

      HONESTLY DID YOU VOTE? DID YOU VOTE FOR URIEL? HOW MANY OTHERS VOTED? i wonder why people will assume that just because they like someone or someone is the best by their assesment you expect the person to just by miracle get votes to win, as far as its about voting, nothing else matters. I have seen alot of polls not going the way some people expected simply because a lot of people think their vote(s) wont change anything and their preferred person will just win. It doesnt work that way.

  4. nikky SA richards bay says:

    what kemen did to tboss was wrong to be honest she was fast asleep he took advantage of her agaist her will between bisola ttt they know what they doing they do it willngly kemem he did confess once to big brother that he is a ladies man he just proof that to us by sexaul harrising tboss

  5. Gideon amaechi says:

    Uriel,my sister. Y u n faint again na?u saw death and ran away.I tried my wechat to enable giv u all my vote,but d tin no gree

  6. Julie Okunola says:

    U are right. We should vote for our favourite housemate that is only the way out. There is no partiality..

  7. julius jackson says:

    Actually i was hoping she'd leave and she left. Thanks people. I don't like the woman; she talks too loud and too familiar with biggie at the diary room, i always tune away at her turn. If i could vote her out, i would've done so long ago. She feels she's better than the rest

  8. Lerato MyBaby says:

    M honestly going 2 miss your diary sessions. Dey were so lively entertaining and real.

  9. Eric Mchunu says:

    Hi Uriel I'm going to miss your beautiful smile

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