Day 71: 4 Housemates Are Up For Possible Eviction In Week 11, Who Are You Saving?

Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 11 Nominated Housemates, Seyi, Tacha, Mike, Khafi

We have four housemates up for eviction from the Big Brother Naija 2019 house in week 11, that comes as a result of today’s live nominations [Read more about this Here].

Below is a summary of the housemates who received the highest amount of nominations today;

  • Tacha received 4 nominations
  • Mike received 3 nominations
  • Omashola received 3 nominations
  • Khafi received 3 nominations

So after today’s live nominations, the five housemates with the highest number of nominations were Omashola, Tacha, Mike and Khafi.

But remember that Omashola won this week’s Veto Power Game of Chance last night [Read more about that here] which simply means that he has the power to save a nominated housemate and replace such housemate with a housemate that is not nominated.

And since Omashola is among the housemates with the highest number of nominations today, Big Brother has asked him to use his Veto Power. Omashola has saved himself and instead nominated Seyi.

This simply means that the nominated housemates this week are Mike, Khafi, Seyi and Tacha.

So who are you going to be saving this week, please tell us by taking part in our online poll below;

Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.

Alternatively you can lets us know by dropping a comment in our comments section below.

Please remember that the voting lines will close on Thursday night at 21:00 West African Time.

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83 Responses

  1. MP Heveleni says:

    Khafi all the way

  2. MP Heveleni says:

    Khafi deserves to stay vote for her

  3. Omoye says:

    Mike for the money

  4. Udeme says:

    Tacha make up with Seyi
    I’ll always vote for you💗

  5. ARIA says:


  6. loise says:

    TACHA anytime

  7. Duke says:

    I Vote for tacha

  8. mirriam says:

    seyi must go to her rich family and leave other house mate to win the money

  9. LUMKA says:

    I vote my Tacha

  10. Blessing Ozori says:

    I love to vote Tacha and Khafi they are real women in the house the rest dont interest me. U called this season pepper dem they are the real pepper.

  11. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    I vote Khafi, this week password is Khafi. YES

  12. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    Khafi is a strong woman, vote Khafi.

  13. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    Khafi is intetainer, her dairy session is fantastic., vote Khafi!

  14. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    Team Omashola vote Khafi.

  15. Gugu P Dlamini says:

    Simply Tacha

  16. Masteeplanner ifeanyi says:

    I vote seyi

  17. Euginia says:

    Khafi all the way

  18. Makabelo Hlaoli says:


  19. Makabelo Hlaoli says:


  20. Makabelo Hlaoli says:


  21. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    I vote Khafi non stop.

  22. Ogundipe oluwaseun says:

    I vote seyi

  23. francis maseya says:

    mike all the way

  24. Olamurewa says:


  25. Adam says:

    Tacha n khafi ❤️

  26. Adam says:

    Tacha n khafi ❤️

  27. joyce says: for khafi all the way

  28. joyce says: for khafi all the way

  29. Dinah says:

    I definitely vote Khafi shes a strong lady. Bravo Khafi

  30. Anita says:

    I vote for Mike, he deserve it. He knows how to play the game smartly

  31. CHARLES says:


  32. Jack says:

    All my votes for Tachaaaa!

  33. Chindo chindo says:

    Tacha for the money.She is playing the game as per the title”of the BBN Show”Pepper Dem”.She is really making the house to be hot.But now she is calm because she is afraid of getting the third and final strike.But all in all,she is the real Pepper Dem in Biggy’s house.

  34. Eniola says:

    Khafi khafi
    Tacha Tacha Tacha alll d way

  35. ayodeji says:

    I vote for Seyi and mike

  36. Coco says:

    Khafi ooh

  37. Mohamed Turay says:

    I vote seyi

  38. MP Heveleni says:

    I support khafi please vote for khafi

  39. farouk says:

    I am voting for Khaffi

  40. abiodun says:

    I am voting for Khaffi BECAUSE she is a strong woman

  41. Hollymama says:

    Seyi seyi all the way

  42. mothobi says:

    vote for Tacha

  43. Duke says:

    I like tacha

  44. Duke says:

    Tacha u hv my vote

  45. Daniella says:

    I vote khafi! Pls #teamfrodd let’s do it for khafi this week. She’s deserves to still be in the house✌

  46. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    Good morning Khafi. I am voting to you Khafi.

  47. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    Vote Khafi. Omashola till 99 day.

  48. tobylarapper says:

    vote seyi for d money

  49. Gaamangwe Segosebe says:

    I vote for Khafi

  50. Ayodele olayinka says:

    Seyi all the way,I vote for seyi

  51. Maria Amunyanyo says:

    Vote Khafi

  52. esther says:

    i beg every body vote for Seyi for the money.

  53. Hellen says:

    lam voting seyi

  54. Esther says:

    Am voting Seyi

  55. MUTOSAJ says:

    I vote for the most talented! Seyi, the philosopher, the psychologist, the actor, and most importantly, the Intelligent one!

  56. Zainab Dada says:

    Man like mike all the way

  57. Tshidi says:

    Vote mike

  58. Thembi says:

    Seyi all the way

  59. Laureta Eze says:


  60. Temilola says:

    Seyi all the way💃💃💃💃

  61. Thony says:

    Seyi Omo baba Awo all the way.

  62. kangai felix says:

    Mike all the way you got my vote son

  63. felix says:

    Mike all the way u got my vote son

  64. Masteeplanner ifeanyi says:

    Vote Mike

  65. felix says:

    Mike all the way you got my vote man

  66. Bumite says:

    Vote for khafi plss

  67. Gabi says:

    I’m voting for Khafi

  68. epong says:


  69. Magic p says:

    Team Omashola is voting For Khafi even thou she going.. Vote Khafi

  70. mainza says:

    voting for mike mike mike mike it not easy a married to be in the biggie brother house

  71. Akanji Abosede says:

    I vote for Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi Seyi

  72. Mainza says:

    Mike all the way

  73. Mainza says:

    Team Mike hope our Mike is safe please

  74. mainza says:

    voting for mike mike mike mike it not easy for a married man to be in the biggie brother house

  75. Oluwajoba says:

    Vote Seyi

  76. Olkemi Akinyemis says:

    Pls ooo help us to tell biggie that they are not sending us our OTP code ooo and we can vote online we hv been using our money to vote ooo

  77. Baraka says:

    It’s seyi all the way till 99th day

  78. Goodluck says:

    Vote for mike

  79. Goodluck says:

    Mike all the way

  80. Bashman Mohammed says:

    Seyi gat my 60 million votes!

  81. okorie emmanuel says:

    seyi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way

  82. holuwhaphemmhi says:

    vote seyi

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